Alt in cats elevated what does it mean

On average, after the elimination of the provocative factor, it takes only 3-4 days to normalize the index.

ALT score in cats

Liver failure in a cat, very high ALT and AST

The cat is a 16-year-old Persian. Not neutered. Not vaccinated, never had any diseases in 16 years. Domestic: has never been outside. Meals mixed: homemade food (boiled meat, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) and wet food like Kitekat (as I realized by now, not the best option). We haven't weighed him, but overall he's always been pretty skinny, and he's lost even more weight in the last few days.

As usual with cats, he got sick all of a sudden. All last week he was eating normally and his condition was normal. On September 29, I noticed that he became a little more lethargic and more sleepy. On September 30, in the morning he was in a normal condition and ate, but in the afternoon he suddenly collapsed.

For almost three days he lay in one place. He did not eat anything, refused to eat. He did not drink. In order not to be dehydrated, on October 1 we started to give him water and sometimes some food through a syringe. During these days he was lying almost motionless in one place in different poses (though he is quite calm and not very playful, and always has been like that). Walked slowly – it was obvious that it was hard and had little energy. His fur had worsened. At the same time, his eyes did not look sick. The cat himself was very distinctive (for instance, he did not like to be scrubbed or cut, and usually could not stand to be touched for long periods, and it was almost impossible to take or hold him in his arms). Even when he went down, he did not stop fighting; for example, when trying to give him water or food, he would fight desperately and fight. Despite his condition.

We thought he wouldn't make it, he was that bad. We contacted a veterinarian right away. On October 2 to help him a little bit, we injected him something for pain (unfortunately I can't remember the name of the drug – we took what the vet recommended). Somehow it did not get noticeably easier for him.

On October 3 in the morning we took him for a face-to-face examination and blood test. Before that, we had left some food in the bowl, and in the morning we found out that the cat had eaten during the night (about 2.5-6 hours before the test), but not very much.

– The temperature is 39.4 (probably due to stress: it was his first time out in public, the cat does not really like strangers, and then had to cut a piece of hair to draw blood).
– After palpation, the left kidney was said to be slightly enlarged, and the right one could not feel, because (I'm afraid I'm twisting my words) it went behind the rib. The other organs have no abnormalities.
– The eyes are fine. The cat himself, according to the vet, doesn't seem to be dying.
– We decided to wait for test results before prescribing treatment. To support the cat, the vet gave several injections: saline, glucose, Milgamm, traumatin, and some kind of antispasmodic (probably papaverine).

AST and ALT in dogs and cats

AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase) are enzymes from the group of transferases used in the diagnosis of myocardial and hepatic diseases.

AST and ALT are synthesized intracellularly and only small amounts enter the bloodstream during normal body functioning.

Normal serum AST levels in dogs range from units/l, to units/l in cats. ALT level in dogs equals units/l, in cats – units/l.

Elevated serum aminotransferase levels occur as a result of cytolysis (cell destruction) and are noted in a number of diseases, especially when tissues rich in these enzymes are affected – liver and myocardium.

AST. Increased serum AST levels are observed in liver cell necrosis (death), which occurs in many severe liver diseases such as cirrhosis, lipidosis; in hepatitis, brain tissue damage, kidney damage, skeletal muscle necrosis, myocardial infarction (this pathology is rare in animals). Also increase in the indicators in the laboratory analysis is caused by the use of anticoagulants (anticoagulant drugs), vitamin C and some anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants) – in this case we are not talking about a pathological process, if the increase is moderate . Decreased AST may indicate hypovitaminosis B6, renal insufficiency, pregnancy.

ALT. Increased ALT is observed in hepatitis, cholangitis, liver tumors, use of anticoagulants. ALT activity changes most significantly in liver diseases. ALT activity also increases slightly in myocardial infarction.

For a more accurate diagnosis, the Ritis coefficient (ratio of AST to ALT) is used. Normally it is equal to . Its value decreases in liver parenchyma lesions, and on the contrary, it increases in myocardial infarction.

A significant increase in these indexes (2 or more times the normal value) is clinically significant.

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Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)

Norm: for cats – 150 – 798 units. In young animals in the period of growth, the activity of CPK increases in 2 – 3 times.


  • Myocardial infarction (2-24 h; highly specific CPK-MB), myocarditis;
  • Trauma, surgery, muscular dystrophies, heavy exercise;
  • Seizures, infections, emboli;
  • Brain tissue damage, cerebral hemorrhage;
  • anesthesia;
  • Poisoning (including. sleeping pills);
  • Slight increase in congestive heart failure, tachycardia, arthritis.


Normal: for adult cats, 55 to 155 units. In young cats, LDH activity increases 2 – 3 times during the growth period.


  • Myocardial tissue damage (2-7 days after development of myocardial infarction):
  • Leukemia;
  • necrotic processes;
  • tumors:
  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • nephritis:
  • muscular dystrophies:
  • skeletal muscle injuries;
  • hemolytic anemia, circulatory insufficiency, leptospirosis;
  • feline infectious peritonitis.


Cat's biochemical blood test has severely elevated ALT

The cat is 13 years old, a non-bred, spayed, housebroken, vaccinated.
Was diagnosed with IBC (struvites). Treated with Cotervin + papaverine + lingonberry leaf decoction, Hils S/d diet. So far we have not been able to take urine again. But we did a blood test.
Total bilirubin was 8.6,
straight bilirubin 3.8,
AST 33,
ALT – 110,
Ritisis coefficient – 0.3,
Alkaline phosphotase 62,
Potassium 4.78,
Sodium 154.5,
Phosphorus 1.53

I.e. I have underestimated Ritis coefficient and slightly overestimated alkaline phosphatase, but what bothers me the most is ALT – it is almost twice overestimated.
Can you please tell me what it means and how dangerous it is.

PS there is the data of clinical blood test. If you need – I can lay it out.

And in the biochemistry with createnin and urea all right? Well generally speaking, given the age of the kitty.

Transaminases are enzymes that catalyze the transfer of an amino group from an amino acid to a keto acid.
ALT – alanine aminotransferase – AST – aspartate aminotransferase.
ALT and AST are organ-specific enzymes for the liver and myocardium, respectively.

ALT is elevated in parenchymal liver disease, especially in infectious hepatitis during the incubation period, which is an important sign for early diagnosis.
AST is found in large amounts in the heart muscle and in the liver. In this case the ratio of AST to ALT activity is used for differential diagnosis.
De Ritis coefficient = 1.3 is normal.
The coefficient rises above the norm in case of cardiac muscle damage (e.g., myocardial infarction) due to an increase in AST activity.
Ratio decreases below normal in infectious hepatitis due to increased ALT activity.

Put out the clinical.
ALT is not really overestimated. Overall the biochemistry suggests liver problems. Don't be alarmed, it is nothing serious! An ultrasound will clarify the diagnosis. ALT is the enzyme whose highest concentration is in the liver.

Bone tissue

Less Lower than the normal range of alkaline phosphateof normal alkaline phosphatase. Indicates impaired bone renewal or initial rickets (most often as a consequence of insufficient intake and synthesis of Vit C by the GI tract and supplementation at a young age), as well as osteomalacia (increased Ca in the absence of sexual disorders, with decreased phosphorus)

Excess 2-5 times higher than the upper limit of normal alkaline phosphatase Cases of "Paget's disease" at a young age up to one year old, with predominance of osteoclasts over osteoblasts, as well as at an advanced age, as a result of bone tissue renovation disorders (osteoporosis phenomena – increased bone fraction of alkaline phosphatase, with reduced phosphorus) The most significant and necessary parameters at a young age for bone Calcium, Phosphorus (ratio and balance), in addition to them the level of Magnesium (confirmation of macronutrient deficiencies).

Laboratories most often do not derive norms for young animals, and in the forms enter the norms already adult animals, to establish the true standards for the growing animal, you can use the extrapolation of the norms from the adult (in the received form of results) in comparison with the norms in growing animals in the following tables.

Biochemical blood test of a cat – what do its indicators mean

In parallel with the biochemistry, veterinarians may prescribe a general blood test to detect inflammatory processes, allergic reactions or other pathological changes. Based on the blood test data, the specialist will diagnose more quickly and be able to develop the most appropriate treatment regimen.

In order to prevent the development of systemic pathologies, it is recommended that all animals undergo biochemical blood tests once a year. This will allow to identify asymptomatic pathologies at the earliest stages and prescribe treatment.

What the readings mean

A cat blood biochemistry, done in a timely manner, can determine the presence of internal organ malfunctions.

There are several types of biochemical panels or profiles. Each of these profiles is prescribed according to the doctor's suspicion of a specific disease. The main profiles are:

  • Liver Profile . The study includes determination of total and direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, urea, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, GGT, cholesterol, cholinesterase, triglycerides, iron, and uric acid.
  • Renal profile. . The results of a blood chemistry allow you to identify abnormalities in renal structures. An analysis is performed to detect levels of urea, creatinine, total protein, a-amylase, glucose, albumin, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, ionized calcium, chlorine, magnesium and acidity.
  • Diabetic Profile . Necessary to detect endocrine disorders related to the pancreas. Diabetic profile includes analysis of a-amylase, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, acidity and fructosamine levels in the bloodstream.
  • Cardiac Profile. . From the results of the cardiac profile, the veterinarian gets information about the condition of the cardiovascular system. The baseline indicators that are considered for diagnosis are AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, LDH, cholesterol, triglycerides, CPK, potassium, sodium, calcium, ionized calcium, magnesium and acidity.
  • Pancreatic profile. . Includes studies of AST, ALT, a-amylase, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium, magnesium, lipase, and p-amylase levels.
  • Preoperative profile. . An important marker of health status for further surgical intervention. The examination includes detection of the levels of total bilirubin, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, total protein, a-amylase, glucose, albumin, and C-reactive protein in the blood.
  • Seizure Syndrome. Provides an opportunity to determine the cause of a cat's seizures during a comprehensive body examination. The seizure syndrome panel includes tests for total and direct bilirubin, urea, creatinine, glucose, GGT, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, ionized calcium, chlorine, magnesium and acidity.
  • Mineral metabolism. . Blood levels of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, ionized calcium, iron, chlorine, magnesium and acidity are determined.
  • Bile acids . . Detection of bile acids in the blood refers to functional tests of liver function.
  • Standard Biochemistry. The study includes determination of 12 indicators – total and direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine, total protein, alkaline phosphatase, a-amylase, glucose, LDH and albumin.

The de Ritis coefficient – what is it for

When one or both liver enzymes are outside their reference values at once, the de Ritis coefficient is calculated. It represents the ratio of AST to ALT and allows you to understand exactly where to look for the problem.

Its norm is 0.91-1.75. If the test results show a lower ratio, hepatopathy is diagnosed, and if higher, cardiac pathology.

The de Ritis ratio in cats - what is it for

Additional tests and therapy

Before prescribing treatment, the veterinarian must find out the exact cause of the change in the indicators. To do this, the following tests are used:

  • General blood count (GBC), which determines anemia and inflammatory processes by a decrease in hemoglobin with red blood cells and an increase in the number of white blood cells;
  • Ultrasound, which reveals changes in the size and shape of organs, tumors, and effusions;
  • Chest X-ray, used to assess the integrity of the bones, heart, and respiratory organs.

Other indicators of the BAC are also studied in detail. Of particular interest are urea, creatinine, and alpha-amylase, reflecting renal and pancreatic performance.

Because of the variability of possible diseases there is no general scheme of treatment. All medications are chosen individually – and only on the basis of the identified cause and accompanying symptoms. The most common include:

  • Vasopressors and cardiotonics, which increase the force of heart contraction and reduce circulating blood volume;
  • ACE inhibitors that slow the progression of heart failure;
  • diuretics that ease the elimination of excess fluid in cases of congestion;
  • glucocorticosteroids, which suppress inflammatory reactions;
  • antibiotics to fight infectious lesions;
  • choleretic agents that stimulate the outflow of bile;
  • antispasmodics and analgesics to relieve spasms and pain syndromes;
  • nourishing and rehydration solutions, normalizing the metabolism.

Gallstones in the gallbladder and ducts, and neoplasms without metastases are grounds for surgery. If oncology is detected at a late stage, chemotherapy and administration of antiblastomics are resorted to.

Ratio of ALT to AST in cats

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of hepatopathies. Until complete recovery, the sick animal is put on a special diet, which provides for the consumption of low-calorie and low-fat food. For this purpose, the usual food is replaced with veterinary food intended for feeding in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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