Cats are said to have seven lives. So yours has already been adopted by a kitten. Go to shelters, catteries – in some of them you'll see your cat).
- There's no afterlife for cats.
- Reincarnation of cats
- The Death of Pets
- Is there life after death?
- Where cats go to die
- Where do the souls of pets go when they die?
- How do I get over the death of a cat? And where does a cat's soul go when it dies?
- In Buddhism.
- In Islam.
- Cats and the dead.
- Where does the cat's soul go after death?
- Is it true that cats can sense a person's death, how do they behave when they do so?
- Omen associated with the death of a cat in the house
There's no afterlife for cats.
That's right. Many people think that cats don't go to heaven or hell or any other place. But there are certain nuances here.
In Christianity. it is believed that the soul of cats in their blood and, accordingly, along with the body disappears. This is stated in the Old Testament – Leviticus 17:11. It explicitly states that animals and birds have a soul in their blood and therefore should not be eaten by humans.
It is a little more complicated for Muslims. . They recognize the importance of cats and the role of cats, but here, too, cats have no passport to the next world. On the other hand, everything does not end with death, for at the hour of the Last Judgment all living creatures will be brought back to life and answer for all their good and evil deeds.
It's even more complicated in Judaism . There are adherents of the theory that everyone is rewarded according to his deeds. And since cats often suffer many hardships during their lives, and even seriously support people, they are rewarded after death, according to their deeds. After all, it is said that "the Holy One, blessed be He, leaves no one without a reward due to him". There are also opponents of this version who argue that the soul was given only to humans, and there is no data on the issuance of such bonuses to cats, and therefore they do not have a soul.
Reincarnation of cats
In Hinduism and Buddhism, cats are only part of an endless cycle of rebirths. I will not go into unnecessary details, I will explain only the essence. Depending on deeds and life trials after death, all living beings (and sometimes non-living ones as well) are reborn into something new. Those who have shown themselves well go on to promotion (and man is one of the upper rungs), but those who have lived unrighteously may slide down significantly, for example, from being a man to becoming… a cat. So don't be surprised if one of the kids puts a surprise in your slippers. Maybe it's from an old memory!
One of the most popular theories among cat people is some kind of rainbow world. It's a world in which cats and cats get rid of all diseases, heal all wounds, and live full, happy feline lives. This theory was first discussed by Paul Charles Dame in his 1981 published The Legend of Rainbow Bridge. Dahm seems to have drawn inspiration from Scandinavian mythology, with its Valhalla and the rainbow bridge Bivröst.
Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to support this theory. However, can we speak of any evidence when it comes to the afterlife?
The Death of Pets
Modern society is sympathetic to the fact that the death of animals and the loss of pets are widely reported in the media. Pet cemeteries and crematoria are no longer news in Britain. Often the front pages of newspapers cover not only new offerings of urgent need, but also the sentimental feelings aroused by the death of a pet.
Back in the early nineties, a British professor conducted a survey on just this topic. The vast majority of respondents (77%) when asked if pets have souls said yes, only 6% disagreed, and 15% had difficulty answering.
Sometimes the bonds between humans and pets are so strong that the death of a furry animal is perceived as akin to the loss of a family member. It happens that the connection is even deeper, because the animal is always with us – 24/7. And when it is suddenly gone (even after a long illness it is always "suddenly"), there is a gaping emptiness and a feeling of colossal loss. Perhaps even more acutely than the loss of a loved one.
Is there life after death?
Many people ask themselves this question, which at first glance is not particularly important. And they are interested not only in the souls of their loved ones, but also their pets.
What happens after a beloved hamster, fish, bird, cat or doggie leave this mortal world? Is it really the end, or is there a tiny hope that the pet will return, even if in another guise? Until then, his soul will come back to the home where he spent several happy years.
Many pet owners are convinced themselves and try to assure others that they have managed to get certain signs from their fluffy pets, which are already in the afterlife.
Where cats go to die
Away from the dumb, mean, insipid, insensitive, ungrateful human eyes.
Every cat has its own hiding place.
The main sign – the cat before death seeks to be alone. It's not just hide, she tries to go away, and leave you so that you can neither return it, nor find. Alas, this is a very common phenomenon, and it was recorded many centuries ago. The reasons for this behavior are not fully investigated, but scientists believe that the cat does this … out of pain! The pet's body is suffering from various ailments and diseases (even if these ailments are not noticeable to owners), and your pet is simply trying to escape this suffering by instinctively leaving your beloved home. And, perhaps, this method of care can be considered very humane to the owners – in this case, the cat's death will hurt them less, because they will not see it.
If the animal has no way to leave the house, be prepared for the fact that at a tragic moment it will just hide in a hiding place or will die when you are not home. And if you suddenly notice that the pet is behaving strangely, don't try to chase it and don't try to "cure" it. Cats are supposed to sense death, so in this case they are wiser than we are.
There is such a cat country, yes the same one where cats go to die.
There are no cars there, no angry people. No frightening, cruel dogs.
But there's green grass, and in it a lot of different small animals and birds roam, there's where to unleash the cat's paws and hunt the cat's noses.
And there, in the cat land, there are a lot of plush toys and sofas, with the scents of their favorite owners and every cat has a place to snuggle and lie down.
And always, it is warm and not hot sunny weather, and sometimes it rains. But, not for long, and then the cats crawl under their plush sofas and stare, sticking their noses out under the heavenly drip, and catch the droplets with their rough tongues.
Where do the souls of pets go when they die?
A week ago, my beloved cat, who had lived a full 18 years, passed away! He would have lived another five years, only he could not cope with bronchitis… My mother misses him very much and can not get over the loss. The cat was mine and we spent all our time together, and when I got married I had to give him to my mom. He spent the rest of his feline life with her and acknowledged only her in the house. He only treated my dad and my brother from his feline consumer point of view. After he died, I analyzed many of the animal-related moments in my life. I actually began to wonder where and how the souls of our pets go. I will tell you some of my observations about this.
We humans love to animate and humanize everything. Even indoor plants have a soul and animals in our perception have already been placed on a couple of levels of evolution above us. In fact, it is necessary to be objective and understand that animals are animals. They will not jump above their nature. Let some dogs or cats have a more developed intellect than others, but they are still animals. Spiritual practices say that man does not originally have a soul, and it still needs to be developed. When a person is born, the soul is in its infancy. After reading such an opinion in Gurdjieff's book, I did not agree with him and could not realize the absence of the soul in man. Only many years later did I realize and understand those words I had read; in fact, this is how it is. When we are born, above all we are dominated by animal instincts (the animal side), which help young children to survive and allow further exploration of the world around them. Children up to a certain age have purely animal instincts. Already at a certain age, when a child begins to learn about the world, on his feet and with a certain ability to perceive the speech of his parents and understand what they say to him. From this age the soul begins to develop. It is up to the parents themselves and the environment to develop the child's soul. Parents and family in general, give us a base, and then we are already engaged in the development and education of our soul on our own. There is a bright example of this. There have been terrible cases of finding children who grew up with a dog or on a chain in an enclosed space. Such children, first of all, look like little animals, not like humans. They have only a human body, but their consciousness is closer to the animal. People who live in harsher living conditions will be tougher, and more animal than soul will prevail in them. I think many will recall examples and comparisons from their own lives. The development of the soul depends on many factors and the most important is further self-education. This is what our pets are like to us. If an animal lives in its natural wild environment, it does not have the qualities that domestic cats or dogs have. When an animal lives around humans, it continues to develop and unfold. If an animal is handled, nurtured, trained, it will further reveal its level of intelligence. In fact, animals develop and reveal themselves only by dwelling near a human, and in this way, the soul develops in this pet. The animal begins to open up and becomes partly like its owner. As I watch my dog grow up, I realize that in her own way she is learning how to trick, how to cheat, how to deliberately pity, how to get something from the table at our lunchtime. She has learned how to properly wake us up in the morning so that she can be fed sooner. The animal begins to adapt to the human way of life and then we begin to think that our pet is the smartest and often smarter than many people. This is not true and in your perception, too, you need to have a measure! The most interesting moments with my cat were dreams and exits to astral. When I began to spontaneously exit to the astral and to cognize the conscious state in my dreams, my cat always slept only with me at my feet or on my head. So, very many times, he got me out of various trouble with his presence. It was truly a fighting cat in my dreams and in the astral. My dog is simpler. A couple of times I saw her in the astral in those moments when there was a connection between us, and that was the end of our communication there. Cats are more advanced in that respect. It is not for nothing that they are counted in the world of magic. There was one more interesting situation in my life concerning cats. We were renting a house in the Moscow suburbs. A neighbor, who had moved there permanently, closed her cat in the house and left open only the ventilation window on the second floor. In her closed house, the cat gave birth to kittens and the whole pack was trapped in the house. We didn't know the kittens existed until we started rustling and meowing. The door was opened and we caught a glimpse of four kittens. They grew up in complete isolation while the cat fed them milk and saw no one but the cat in sight. Naturally, when they opened the door, they hid in a hole under the wooden floor. We barely got them out and let them into the outhouse. In general, they stayed with us, but all the time they were hiding behind the old furniture that was in the outhouse. I realized that they need to tame them and it's time to feed them normal food. The kittens were already adults and there was not enough cat milk for them. I don't have the skills to communicate with such animals and began to act intuitively. I domesticated them through a game of bow on a string and through food. In a month I could not take them off my hands. As soon as I sat on the porch, they were all over me. More affectionate cats I have never met in my life. Well! At that time, when they were little kittens, I had one exit to the astral, but I was not in a conscious state. There was a situation in which two entities had fogged my head and I could not wake up. When you are an inexperienced dreamer, entities can mess with your brain so much that you don't realize whether you are dreaming or not, and yet you can't wake yourself up. At this point, a cat comes into the astral room with kittens. In reality, my mother forbade me to let kittens and a cat into the living part of the house. It was on such a level that as soon as the cat came in with the kittens, I immediately thought that the cat could not be here in any way. So I became conscious, realized that I was dreaming, and then woke myself up easily. I had a few times that cat and its kittens had gotten me out of such trouble in the astral and in my dreams. I was in the phase, and I was in the phase. Cats are easier to interact with in such practices than dogs. When my cat left my life, I immediately thought about whether he would come in my dreams or not. My mother and I have a strong connection to the cat. Animals that develop their thin shell (soul) while living next to humans can come to us as deceased relatives come. Many times I have read about situations when deceased animals after their death appeared to their owners and saved them from a night fire. There are many such situations in the world. My cat does not dream. A couple of times I saw him in the distance running through the grass, but there was no closer contact with him. I have a dream this morning.
How do I get over the death of a cat? And where does a cat's soul go when it dies?
My cat died today, lived for 9 years and was part of my life. This is the second time I have lost a cat at the age of 9 years, I am scared, at least don't get a new one. I still have 2 cats, but the deceased was the oldest, we have been with her so much, as they say, and in joy and sorrow, which you can not expect from humans. I took her to the vet yesterday, because she was so sick. She didn't eat for 2 days, they gave her drips and shots, and today she woke up and she wasn't breathing. It hurts like I killed her myself by taking her to the "healers", if I hadn't carried her she would be alive now. Has anyone read articles about where cats go after they die, tell me where to read. I think they have a soul, because they, like people, have been seen as ghosts. Do you think the owner and his animal will meet there?
When an animal dies, especially if it was very loved by someone in this life, it goes to the Rainbow Bridge. There are endless meadows and hills where our friends can all run and play together. There is an abundance of food and water and sunshine. And our pets are warm and comfortable there.
In this land, all sick and old animals turn into young and full of energy; those who were injured and maimed become healthy and strong again. Time flies for them, if only we remember them in our dreams. The animals there are happy and content with everything except one thing – each of them has gone before and left someone very dear to them in this life.
On the Rainbow Bridge, the animals run around and play carefree together. But the day comes when one of them suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His eyes light up with fire and his body begins to tremble with impatience. Suddenly he leaves his fellows, flies over the emerald green grass, and his feet carry him faster and faster.
He has spotted you; and when you and your pet finally meet, you will hug each other tightly and happily. That you are united and will never part again.
He will, stupefied with happiness, lick your face, your hand will again lovingly caress his head.
In Buddhism.
Buddhists, too, are not bothered by the question of where cats go when they die, but for an entirely different reason. The cat in Buddhism is also regarded as just one of the incarnations, but not of the soul, because this religion completely denies its existence. According to Buddhism, instead of the soul there is only a mighty stream of Consciousness, which takes all kinds of forms of both living beings and inanimate objects. Particles of this Consciousness are placed in the mortal shell and stay there until the physical shell becomes unusable.
For cats and other creatures, heaven or hell is a certain psychological state that everyone creates for himself by choosing his own life path. To the question of where cats go after death, Buddhism answers that they are reborn and go to one of the worlds – the world of hell, animals, hungry spirits, humans, lower deities asuras, higher deities devas. And the place of their future incarnation also depends on the purity of karma.
In Islam.
Where do cats go after death? Islam has its own interesting interpretation. In general, Islam is very loyal to animals in general and teaches its followers justice, tolerance and mercy to the animal world. In the Muslim world the cat itself is very revered, because the great prophet Mohammed himself allowed it to sit on his lap when he preached, and he also drank water with it from the same bowl and even cut off his sleeve when the cat fell asleep on it because he did not want to disturb it.
But according to the Koran cats are not entitled to paradise, although they have a soul, because it is a divine reward for thinking righteous people who choose the right path in life. Since a cat has no choice, it is not responsible for its actions and does not need Allah's forgiveness. Their soul is mortal, and when the earthly path is passed, it turns to dust along with its physical shell.
Cats and the dead.
My husband's grandmother died. So when she was lying at home, for some reason, the cat kept trying to lie down with her. That's the first time I've ever seen that. Maybe who knows why he was attracted to her, despite the fact that constantly drove away, and he circles, circles and back to her.
Cats, as already said above, live in different dimensions, so they see the human soul, especially they feel disease and death. In such cases, do not drive away, let the animal say goodbye to the dying.
Cats have six senses. AND, IN VAIN YOU DROVE HER AWAY.
There have been cases when a cat took the disease and died,
instead of the owner, the mistress.
Cats love negative energy. Roughly speaking, they enjoy it. That's why they try to lie down on people's sore spots to get their pleasure.
Did you go to school? Did you even faintly hear what the word "energy" means in your sleep? No? So why say words you don't even know the meaning of?
I do not know the reason, but I have observed similar behavior in cats twice. My late grandmother's favorite cat flatly refused to leave the casket. I had to lock him in another room, where he cried loudly and for a long time. After the funeral, the cat lived another three months and died.
And when they took my father's coffin out of the house, his cat went crazy, running and yelling and tearing after him. Then it rolled around for a long time on the spot where the coffin was standing.
My husband's grandmother's soul was attached to the physical body, i.e., the corpse.
This happens a lot! Cats see all 15 dimensions. They
see the person they love on the level of the Soul and seek them out.
You shouldn't have driven the cat away.
I encounter these situations often! Friends invite me in!
Recently there was a moment! An acquaintance's daughter of 17 years was killed! They were
They were worried about the cat, the dead daughter's pet! They showed me
showed me the daughter's room where the cat, in the dark, was jumping high in the air,
supposedly catching something!
They told me that the daughter used to play with the cat every night like that, the cat would follow the ball
in her daughter's hands would jump up! I said the daughter's Spirit is in this room!
My parents and I sat in the room for two hours while the cat jumped and played.
After two hours, my daughter's soul left and the cat ran off to sleep in the kitchen.
Where does the cat's soul go after death?
Do you remember the Soviet cartoon "38 Parrots"? There the python was measured in monkeys, elephants and birds. They also laughed at the snake: "And in parrots I'm much longer!" And our life can be measured by something. Some count it in money, marriages, divorces, some count it in women, vacations, some count it in the number of jobs changed. And Zhenka counted himself in cats.
It wasn't that he was an avid cat person-an ordinary man, just that cats had lived with him since childhood. As a routine, as a habit. As soon as one died of old age, another one would appear. Once again, Zhenka said that he had already lived five cat lives:
There was something fatal about it… But then Toshka appeared. Impudently and unceremoniously came into the summer kitchen, laid down in a chair and started catching fleas. Then, just as unquestioningly, he chose Eugene as the only master, the rest of the family he just tolerated. Maybe it's because we become more sentimental over the years, or maybe it's because the previous pets were female, and this one was a real cat, but Zhenka stuck to him. Pure male friendship. Bonded so much that periodically talked about his cat, though, frankly, we are not interested. And suddenly Toshka was gone.
Of course, we were aware of the cat's illness: he lost weight, his nose was warm, then he was on the mend.
Where does the cat's soul go after death / Photo: Kirill Zykov / IGN "Moscow
– I thought everything was fine. In the morning he ate two spoonfuls of minced meat, began to behave badly. In the evening I came in – a tail from behind the couch. "Hey, who's there?" And he's on his way over. I held him in my arms until three in the morning – he was like a rag, and then all of a sudden he looked at me so clearly, twitched his paw, and died. It hurt so bad. I told mine, "I wish I had another cat.
– Nah, for the weekend, at the cottage. That's how he looked at it. That's what they say about people, that when they die, the soul understands and sees everything. Do they have a soul?
Is it true that cats can sense a person's death, how do they behave when they do so?
Some cat owners wonder, "Can a pet sense my demise?" It is believed that members of the feline family are indeed endowed with this ability and can sense the scent of trouble floating in the air. The animal becomes restless and sometimes violent, runs aimlessly through the house, and spends a lot of time near the owner. Some cats may become depressed.
Omen associated with the death of a cat in the house
- A cat that dies naturally takes with it misfortune, envy, slander and the evil eye;
- A pet that died due to the fault of family members – to theft;
- A pet that died because of household appliances – to trouble in business;
- A cat that accidentally fell out of a window and crashed to death is an omen that warns of the imminent dissolution of a marriage;
- A pet that died as a result of poisoning warns the owner that new acquaintances can bring him a lot of problems;
- killed because of the fight with congeners animal – to disagreements with friends.
To believe or not in these omens is a personal matter. It is better still to try to prevent such a sad event, and if it is impossible, to treat it reasonably.